pp108 : Defining Business Event Responses

Defining Business Event Responses

This topic describes the concept of the Business Event Response.

The Business Event Response Composer facilitates the creation of Business Event Responses. You can perform real-time monitoring based on occurrence of selected process and activity events in relation to the specified business condition and take corrective action in case the event falls within the specified business condition.

For example, in an OrdertoCash process, the Line of Business (LOB) manager expects a notification if an order from a 'GOLD' customer is not shipped within 2 days. Similarly he might also be interested in getting a notification if a customer with bad credit history has placed an order of value greater than 1000$.

However, to execute the Business Event Responses necessary roles from each component should be added to proxy user (specified during Cordys Business Activity Monitoring application installation). For example, if the action is Send Notification, 'everyoneInCordys Notification role' should be attached.

The Business Event Composer facilitates the creation of Business Events. The high level tasks that you can perform using Business Event Response Composer are:

  1. Creating a Business Event Response
  2. Publishing a Business Event Response
  3. Unpublishing a Business Event Response
  4. Editing a Business Event Response
  5. Deleting a Business Event Response

Related concepts

Modeling Process Monitoring Objects
Building Business Measures
Composing Dashboards

Related tasks

Creating a Service Group for BAM
Creating a Business Event Response
Publishing a Business Event Response
Unpublishing a Business Event Response
Editing a Business Event Response
Deleting a Business Event Response

Related information

Working with Business Activity Monitoring